Thursday, August 27, 2009

Baby in Mommy's Tummy

I know that I am horrible about the whole blogging thing, especially this summer! So I guess I should post about the fact that there is a "baby in Mommy's tummy," as Sophie would say. Her little sister is set to arrive around the first week of October! We are not quite sure what we are going to do with two seems how the one we have keeps us super busy! Ryan keeps saying to my belly "mellow thoughts." Hopefully! If you have any great names please pass them on to us seems how we are struggling in that department!


Jenny said...

YAY!!!! I am so glad to hear from you. And how wonderful for you. I'll be thinking of names. What kind do you like? Old-fashioned, trendy/modern, or names with meaning?

beth said...

Congratulations, Natalie! I had heard you were pregnant, and I was wondering when you were due! Thanks for sharing.